
Il PCTO si realizza nel periodo da gennaio a maggio 2024 (la candidatura è possibile entro il 30 aprile 2024). Nel primo modulo introduttivo, gli studenti partiranno ragionando sul perché non devono temere gli errori. Attraverso le unità successive, gli sarà chiesto di raccontare se stessi e la propria storia, dare voce a ciò che credono e spiegare cosa è importante per loro. Si guarderanno dentro e si chiederanno cosa sanno fare, cosa vorrebbero imparare, e cosa gli piacerebbe fare con le loro vite; leggeranno e ascolteranno le storie di altri giovani che hanno trovato il coraggio di esprimersi, di dare voce alle loro idee protestando contro le ingiustizie, e di sfruttare la propria creatività e le lingue straniere per crearsi un futuro. Leggeranno e ascolteranno le storie di altri giovani che hanno partecipato al programma Erasmus e che hanno trovato lavoro all’estero, o che viaggiano per il mondo svolgendo lavori presso aziende italiane grazie alle porte aperte dalla lingua inglese.

Agli studenti sarà chiesto di preparare un portfolio di attività, cominciando con un manifesto di protesta e la creazione di cartelli informativi e creativi, e in cui scriveranno di se stessi e delle caratteristiche che li rendono unici e speciali; Impareranno a preparare un curriculum in inglese, a descrivere le proprie abilità in termini di hard skills e soft skills, a ragionare su come affrontare un colloquio di lavoro o per una borsa di studio, e ragioneranno su diversi modi di immaginare il proprio futuro lavorativo: inseguendo i propri sogni, oppure identificando come loro potrebbero dare il loro contributo a risolvere problemi nelle loro comunità e nel mondo. Infine, conosceranno dei giovani imprenditori e lavoratori che usano l’inglese per essere in contatto con un mondo nuovo in modo emozionante e motivante, e vedranno come si crea un semplice business plan per proporre una propria idea imprenditoriale.

Il percorso dunque propone di aggiungere un piccolo tassello al bagaglio di conoscenze necessarie nel mondo di lavoro che aspetta i giovani della “Generazione Z”. L’inglese può aiutare gli studenti a raggiungere i sogni di cui scriveranno in questo percorso: loro dovranno solo imparare a crederci e accettare di vedere le lingue straniere da una nuova prospettiva.

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Modulo 1


Lezione: English is a tool that can help you build the future you are dreaming of, so it’s important to not be afraid of making mistakes! With this course, you will discover paths that will help you stay in the Learning Zone, and understand that you don’t always have to be in the Performance zone!.

In this first module you will learn about the power of belief and hear some new ideas about how to get better at things you really care about. You’ll start by listening to the stories of some amazing young people from around the globe who use English as a tool to reach their goals. You’ll also hear the story of an athlete who faced and overcame enormous challenges, and an expert who explains the secret to reaching your goal of becoming great at what you love… or at things you find difficult.

We hope that you will feel inspired and empowered to follow your dreams!

Durata del modulo: 2 ore
Modulo 2

Make your voice heard!

Lezione:What is important to you? What are your dreams? What do you care about? What kind of job would you like to do in the future?

This module will encourage you to reflect on your interests and passions, what you care about the most, and what you would be ready to fight to protect or defend. You’ll learn new language strategies to invent effective slogans in English and that you can use in expressing your opinions and ideas.

You’ll learn about youth activists fighting for what they believe in, and how young people have been able to contribute to making important changes in our world, not only by protesting but also in their work. The stories of these amazing young people from all over the world will show you that we don’t need superheroes to save us: we truly can change the world, one step at a time, with our choices and actions.

When you enter the world of work, you’ll want to be ready to talk about yourself and what you believe in…. So why not start practicing today?

Lavoro individuale:It’s your turn! Use one or more of the language strategies you’ve learned about to make a sign to protest sign about something you feel strongly about.

Durata del modulo: 2 ore
Modulo 3

Giving instructions and advice

Lezione:If you want to see some changes in the world around you, you’re going to need to be able to explain your ideas clearly. In this unit we'll ask you to think some more about what you’re passionate about, and what you're good at! You'll learn about the language used in instructions, and how to give people information and advice effectively.

Lavoro individuale: Think of something you are good at and love doing, something that is important to you, or that you would like other people to do. Then, write a simple set of instructions telling them why and how to do it.

Durata del modulo: 2 ore
Modulo 4

Changing hearts, Changing minds

Lezione:How can you convince people to listen to your ideas and see things from a fresh perspective? In this unit we'll listen to the amazing story of a youth activist who convinced the multinational company Hasbro to change one of their products. She’ll give you her tips on how to be the change that you want to see in the world, and some advice on how to present your ideas strategically.

In this module you’ll learn more about rhetorical strategies to change people’s hearts and minds.

Lavoro individuale:Think of an issue that is important to you. Then, prepare a short leaflet explaining what you believe and what you would like people to do; your goal is to try to convince other young people to listen to your idea and consider it. Remember to use the language strategies you have learned to present your ideas effectively.

Durata del modulo: 2 ore
Modulo 5

Soft skills & hard skills… and finding the right job for you

Lezione:In this unit, you’ll start to identify your strengths and think about how to find the right job for you!

You’ll begin by learning about the concept of hard skills vs. soft skills, and by thinking about what soft skills you might need in different kinds of jobs. You’ll identify the different soft skills needed in different careers, and learn about how the amazing soft skills of a 17-year-old girl helped her make an enormous impact on the world.

Everyone has their own special mix of soft skills, and you can use and build yours to find your dream job and a bright, happy career!

We hope you’ll see that no one is too young to start thinking about how they can contribute to making our world a better place.

Lavoro individuale:What makes you unique? What are your strengths? Identify at least 10 of your soft skills.

Durata del modulo: 2 ore
Modulo 6

Tell your story! Learn how to create a CV and cover letter to send to potential employers

Lezione:In this module you’ll learn how to use the Europass online tools to create a personal profile and a curriculum vitae that highlights your experiences and explains who you are, by underlining your skills and interests.

After a step-by-step simulation showing how to use the site, and a discussion of what information to include, you’ll be asked to create your Europass profile and a cv. Even though you are young and probably don’t have a lot of experience, and you haven’t yet finished your education, you’ll learn that there are still many things that you can include in your cv!

Lavoro individuale:Think about all the things you've identified about yourself, including your hard and soft skills. Then, go online and prepare your Europass profile and CV.

Durata del modulo: 2 ore
Modulo 7

Spread your wings and fly!

Lezione:Does the idea of working in English scare you or inspire you? Why? Have you ever dreamed of a study or work experience abroad?

In this module, you’ll learn more about how strong English language skills can help you in your career. You’ll hear about the experiences of many different young Italians, including Alessandra Micoli, who studied at the University of Urbino and now works at Nintendo’s European headquarters in Stuttgart. Alessandra will give you her perspective on adjusting to life in another country and finding your dream job; other young people will tell you about their experiences studying and working abroad, or how their English skills have led to some incredible adventures while working for companies in Italy.

You'll also learn a little bit about the Erasmus+ program and the opportunities it makes available to European citizens, and take a look at the LinkedIn social network for the world of work. Finally, you'll listen to the stories of two young entrepreneurs in Africa, and hear 2 different perspectives on how to find work you love… either by following your passions or by identifying a need in our society. These stories will convince you that you can truly be the change you want to see in your world!

Lavoro individuale:Steve Jobs, who was a co-founder and CEO of Apple, was also famous for his advice on how to have a happy life & a great career. After reading his advice, compare it to the advice given in the videos from this module. Whose advice do you like the most? Do you have a different perspective now on the best way to find an interesting job?

Durata del modulo: 3 ore
Modulo 8

Job Interviews: practice makes perfect!

Lezione:Your first job isn’t always that fun and exciting and it usually isn’t the job of your dreams… but the right attitude can make it a learning experience that will help you build your future!

In this unit you'll learn how to prepare for your first job interview. We'll talk about typical questions that employers ask, and how to show potential employers that you are a great candidate for a job.

We’ll also listen to a teenager explaining how he decided on his career path when he came face to face with a dramatic problem… and how believing he could help solve the problem was the beginning of understanding the job he would like to do in the future.

Lavoro individuale:Interview practice! In this simulation of a job interview, you’ll need to respond to a series of 8 questions to help a potential employer learn more about you.

Durata del modulo: 2 ore
Modulo 9

A Business Plan

Lezione:Do you dream of starting your own business? In this module, you’ll learn about some of the first steps involved in making that dream a reality.

You’ll begin by identifying an unsatisfied need or a problem in your community that you think you can help solve. Then, you’ll learn how to:

  • describe your idea and goals
  • do a SWOT analysis for your business idea
  • write a Mission & Vision Statement for your business, and
  • create a simple Business Plan.

After learning about these important business documents, and some new vocabulary to describe entrepreneurs and companies, you’ll also take a look at a business plan for one of the young entrepreneurs you listened to in the previous unit.

Lavoro individuale:For this final activity of the course, think one more time about your interests, your passions, what inspires you and what kind of job you think you would like to do in the future.

Then, decide on an idea for a new business you could start. Do a SWOT analysis for your idea, create a Mission statement and a Vision statement for your business idea, and finally write a simple Business Plan in which you describe your idea.

Durata del modulo: 3 ore

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