Inglese Scientifico B2


19 agosto 2024 ore 16:00

Tim Bloom

Scadenza iscrizione: 14 agosto 2024

Prova scritta, in presenza

Le iscrizioni aprono un mese prima della prova

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Iscrizioni chiuse

4 settembre 2024 ore 16:00

Tim Bloom

Scadenza iscrizione: 30 agosto 2024

Prova scritta, in presenza

Le iscrizioni aprono un mese prima della prova

Iscriviti su Education...

Iscrizioni chiuse

Descrizione e contenuti della prova

Exam description

The exam is written and divided into two parts: Reading Comprehension (Part I) and Grammar (Part II-A and Part II-B).

Part I

Part I consists of a scientific article followed by multiple choice/matching questions testing general comprehension skills, key vocabulary and referents.

Part II

Part II-A consists of multiple choice questions on the following topics: transition signals (linkers), problem structures/verb patterns, nominal groups, verb/preposition and noun/preposition combinations, modal verbs of deduction, and countable/uncountable nouns.

Part II B consists of completion/transformation exercises testing various B2-level grammar points (see a complete list of the these points below).

The following grammar topics may be included in Part II-B:

  • The present simple;
  • The present continuous (including action and non-action verbs);
  • The past simple: regular and irregular verbs;
  • Used to;
  • The past continuous;
  • The past perfect;
  • The future forms: going to for intentions and predictions; the present continuous for future arrangements; will/won’t for predictions; promises, offers, and decisions;
  • he present perfect simple;
  • The present perfect continuous;
  • Conditionals (1st, 2nd and 3rd);
  • Reported speech;
  • The passive form (all tenses);
  • Modals: can, could, be able to (ability and possibility); must, have to (obligation); may, might (possibility); should, shouldn’t (advice); must, may, might, might not, can’t (deduction);
  • Relative clauses (defining and non-defining): who, whose, which, where, that;
  • The comparative and superlative;
  • Gerunds and infinitives;
  • Articles (use of definite, zero and indefinite articles);
  • Prepositions of time and place (at, in, on);
  • Common verb/preposition and noun/preposition combinations;
  • Quantifiers;
  • Problem structures: suggest, recommend, allow, advise, enable, make possible, likely, unlikely, appear, seem;
  • Nominal groups;
  • the infinitive of purpose;
  • uncountable and countable nouns;
  • transition signals (linkers);

You will find the grammar points listed above in a good grammar reference book, such as “Oxford Grammar 360°” (Oxford University Press); or "English Grammar in Use" by Raymond Murphy (Cambridge University Press)

N.B.: Students will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis ('idoneo'/'non idoneo') and need an overall score equivalent to at least 18/30, or 60%, to pass. Students will have approximately one hour to complete the test.


CLA - DISPEA DOTT inglese B2